About UTIfree™

UTIfree™ is a simple and effective outpatient treatment for recurrent and chronic UTIs in women.

Recurrent and chronic postcoital UTIs in women happen because of the anatomy of the urogenital area. The urethra is short and wide which allows the bacteria to quickly spread in the urinary tract especially during sexual intercourse. The antibiotics can clear out the infection but only with temporary effect. 

UTIfree™ targets the root cause of UTIs by employing a hyaluronic acid filler to correct the urethral anatomy through just a few injections. This process establishes a physical barrier at the entrance of the urethra, effectively isolating bacteria from the urinary tract and maintaining the clarity of both the urethra and bladder.

“I had to take antibiotics every week to avoid bladder reinfection. Since I’ve done UTIfree™ treatment, I am off antibiotics completely and live like a healthy person again.”

— Samantha

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